An Afternoon to Remember: Reuniting at Tollygunge Club

It was a crisp January afternoon in Kolkata, and the winter sun cast a gentle glow over the Tollygunge Club. This renowned club, the only country club of its kind in India and ranked amongst the top 20 clubs in the world, was the perfect setting for a reunion that had been over three decades in the making. Excitement bubbled within me as I walked through the grand entrance, eager to reconnect with my old bank batchmates, Gautam and Prabuddha.

The Tollygunge Club, commonly known as Tolly Club, with its sprawling golf courses, stately colonial architecture, and tranquil atmosphere, exuded a timeless charm. It is the only Country Club of its kind in India and is ranked among the top 20 Clubs in the world. Established in 1895 by Sir William Cruikshank, the club originally served as an equestrian sports facility aimed at promoting various sports. The club spans 100 acres (400,000 sq. metres) and features a clubhouse that is over 225 years old.

The club’s expansive grounds were initially developed as an indigo plantation in 1781 by the Johnson family, early pioneers in India’s plantation industry. Later, the grounds transformed into a royal park at the heart of a princely estate established by the exiled family of Tipu Sultan, the deposed ruler of Mysore. The Johnson family’s house became the garden house of the new Mysore Estate. In 1895, Tollygunge Club Limited acquired the entire property from the Mysore family, and the historic Johnson home now serves as the club’s clubhouse.

As I entered the club and made my way from the parking area to the clubhouse, I contacted Prabuddha, a club member. He came out to greet me and led me to the table where Gautam was seated. Their faces lit up when they saw me. Despite the years that had passed, they looked remarkably the same, though time had sprinkled in some grey hairs and added a few laugh lines, evidence of lives well-lived.

“Look who’s finally here!” Prabuddha exclaimed. Gautam stood up to greet me with a hearty hug, and soon we were all embracing and laughing, marvelling at how time had flown by.

We settled into our seats, and the afternoon unfolded like a cherished book, each chapter rich with stories and laughter. The club staff served us an array of delicious snacks, and we chose Darjeeling tea to set a nostalgic tone.

“Do you remember how we used to sneak into the hostel kitchen in the middle of the night to steal desserts, leaving the caretaker puzzled?” Gautam began, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

“Of course!” I replied, chuckling. “And how we convinced the Training Manager to talk to the Zonal Manager to get our salary paid for a week.”

“Ah, those were the days,” Prabuddha added, shaking his head. “We were young and reckless, but we had so much fun.”

As we reminisced, each story brought back another, weaving a rich tapestry of shared experiences. We laughed about the pranks we played on each other, the late-night study sessions for bank exams, and the unforgettable outings that solidified our bond.

The afternoon sun slowly descended, casting long shadows over the club grounds. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, and the sound of birds returning to their nests added a serene background to our conversation. We shared updates about our lives—careers, families, travels, and dreams for the future. It was heartening to see that despite the passage of time, our friendship remained as strong as ever.

Gautam, always the storyteller, regaled us with tales of his adventures, while Prabuddha, ever the philosopher, shared his insights on life and his experiences after joining one of the largest MNC banks. I felt immensely grateful for this moment, for the chance to reconnect with friends who had been such an integral part of my past.

As the sun set, casting a warm golden hue across the club, we made a pact to stay in touch more regularly and not let decades pass between our meetings. We had our final cup of tea, celebrating our enduring friendship and the countless memories that had brought us to this point.

Walking out of the Tollygunge Club that evening, I felt a profound sense of contentment and joy. Reuniting with Gautam and Prabuddha had been a heartwarming reminder of the value of old friends and shared history. The Tollygunge Club, with its timeless elegance, had provided the perfect backdrop for an afternoon filled with laughter, nostalgia, and the rekindling of a cherished bond.

6 thoughts on “An Afternoon to Remember: Reuniting at Tollygunge Club

  1. Gautam Mukherjee

    Khub sundor likhechis. Tui paris. Amra do zone besi bhalo jori chilum throughout training. Khub bhalo lage akhon a sab bhabte.
    Bhalo thakis .

    Liked by 1 person

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