The Office Tiger: A Tale of Overlooked Importance

The office buzzed with the usual morning energy, employees streaming in and settling down to start their day. Unbeknownst to them, a tiger had found its way into the nearby area, disoriented and threatened by the bustling corporate crowd. In desperation, the tiger sought refuge in the washroom, hiding in a dark corner where it remained unnoticed.

Employees frequented the washroom for four days, unaware of the tiger’s presence. Despite its hunger, the tiger didn’t touch anyone. However, after four days, the tiger could no longer bear the hunger. When an Assistant General Manager entered the washroom, the tiger seized the opportunity and ate him. Surprisingly, nobody noticed his disappearance.

Two days later, emboldened by the lack of attention, the tiger caught and ate another man who had entered the washroom. This time, it was the General Manager of the organization. Yet again, nobody seemed to care about his absence. Some employees were even happy that he was not seen in the office.

The following day, the tiger preyed on the Vice President, a figure feared throughout the organization. Once again, there was no outcry or concern from the staff. The tiger was delighted, realising it had found the perfect hiding spot.

The very next day, the tiger caught Chhotu who entered the washroom while balancing a tray of teacups in one hand. The frightened man fell unconscious. He was the tea boy in the office.

Chhotu’s absence was immediately felt. Employees began to search for him, calling out for their morning coffee, tea, documents, and clean desks. Chhotu was an integral part of their daily routine, and without him, the office was thrown into disarray. Within fifteen minutes, a huge hue and cry ensued, and everyone in the office started looking for him.

At that moment, a concerned employee recalled seeing Chhotu head toward the washroom but never return. A group of employees cautiously approached the washroom and discovered the tiger. Alarmed, they quickly called the forest officer, who arrived and safely captured the tiger, saving Chhotu, who was lying unconscious.

In our workplaces, certain roles and individuals are often overlooked, and their contributions are taken for granted. The story of the tiger in the washroom highlights how we often fail to appreciate the importance of these key positions. While the disappearance of higher-ups might go unnoticed or even unmissed, the absence of someone like Chhotu disrupts the entire office.

This tale serves as a reminder to recognize and value every role within an organization, understanding that everyone’s contribution is essential to its smooth functioning. Without acknowledging and respecting these positions, we risk creating an environment where the absence of seemingly minor roles can lead to significant chaos.

Acknowledgement: From the book Tiger in the Toilet

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