A Sunday Morning at Dhanbad Junction: A Tale of Determination and Innocence

Jagrata and I saw off our son at Dhanbad Junction, where we met a young boy, Rahul, who shines shoes to support his family and his studies. Despite his hardships, he prioritizes education over play and sustenance. His determination and maturity left a lasting impact, highlighting the need for every child to have access to education and every family to afford it. Until then, stories like Rahul's will continue to unfold across the country, emphasizing the challenges children face.

A Night of Firsts: My Journey Through the ER

As a medical student, I recount their first night duty at the ER, filled with nervous excitement and gratitude for learning opportunities. With guidance, they took blood pressure, assisted in catheterization, and witnessed various cases, including the historic first neurosurgery in Sikkim. The experience reinforced their passion for medicine and the dedication of healthcare professionals.

Ustad Amjad Ali Khan: Spotted in Delhi Airport

The author shares his excitement of meeting the legendary sarod maestro, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, whose celebrated musical lineage dates back to the 16th century. Renowned for his innovative compositions and contributions to Indian classical music, Ustad Khan graciously interacted with the user and signed autographs. This memorable encounter reinforced the user's admiration for Ustad Khan, who is not only an exceptional musician but also a remarkably kind person.

Reflections on Resilience: Surviving a Baghdad Bomb Blast

One month ago, we encountered twin-car bomb attack on our office building. The Incident is still fresh in my mind and I feel sad for those poor families, who lost their near and dear ones. I fail to understand the purpose, the logic of terrorists, who kill innocent people in the name of their faith. They’re cowards. Do they think that they will reach the Heaven? NEVER! They will never find peace.