Unravelling the Madoff Scheme: Lessons from the Largest Ponzi Scheme in History

The Bernie Madoff scandal, a cautionary tale of unchecked greed and devastating financial deception, exposed the perils of Ponzi schemes. Madoff's $65 billion fraud wreaked havoc on global finance, revealing regulatory failures and the high cost of deception. His legacy underscores the vital role of transparency, skepticism, and regulatory oversight in safeguarding investors' interests.

The Marvel of July’s Supermoon: A Celestial Spectacle

The July 2022 full Moon, known as the supermoon, was the largest and brightest of the year, appearing 14% larger and 30% brighter at its perigee. This celestial event holds cultural significance for various traditions, coinciding with Guru Purnima for Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains. Different cultures historically named the July full Moon based on seasonal activities. The supermoon serves as a reminder of the beauty and complexity of the cosmos and its cultural and historical significance.

Pandemic Parental Peculiarities: Naming Babies in the Time of Corona

In an era of pandemic paranoia and unusual trends, parents are immortalizing the COVID-19 crisis through their children's names. From Sanitiser to Lockdown and even Corona and COVID, these unique names are a reminder of the challenging times. This tradition of naming after historical events is not new, but it certainly makes for interesting introductions and conversations in the future.

Unexpected Snowfall in Baghdad: A Historical and Personal Reflection

In Baghdad, a rare snowfall captivated residents, transforming the bustling city into a serene, white landscape. This extraordinary event, not witnessed for over a decade, sparked reflections on the city's historical anomalies in climate. As the Iraqi Meteorological Organization forecasted further temperature drops, Baghdad's resilience and unpredictability in nature became evident. Amid the snow's quiet beauty, the city's storied past and uncertain future left a lingering sense of mystery.

Om Ali — bread pudding of Arab world

Umm Ali: The Delectable Dessert with a Dramatic History

Umm Ali, also known as Om Ali, is a traditional Middle Eastern dessert popular in Egypt. This sweet and creamy bread pudding is made with layers of phyllo dough, milk, cream, and nuts, and is often enjoyed at special occasions. Its rich history dates back to the 13th century and includes a story of power struggles and vengeance. Despite its dark origin, Umm Ali has gained international popularity for its delicious and versatile flavors.

Why Do Flies Suddenly Appear Every Time You Open a Beer?

Scientists at the California Institute of Technology have discovered that fruit flies are attracted to carbon dioxide (CO2), contradicting previous beliefs. Over six years and thousands of experimental tests, they found that active flies sought out CO2, which is associated with food and fermentation, while sluggish or sleepy flies avoided it due to its affiliation with predators.

Chandrasekhar: He knew how the stars will die

Chandrasekhar became famous for his discoveries about the evolution of the stars. His work was vast, and he began early, developing his theory of stars’ evolution before he had even turned 20. Google is changing its logo globally to a doodle of him and the Chandrasekhar Limit. That refers to his calculation that once a star reaches 1.44 times the size of our own sun, it doesn’t form a white dwarf as expected but collapses, eventually becoming a black hole.