The Office Tiger: A Tale of Overlooked Importance

The office hummed with morning activity as employees began their day. Unbeknownst to them, a tiger sought refuge in the washroom, unnoticed for four days. It went unnoticed until it seized and ate the Assistant General Manager, then the General Manager and Vice President. When it captured the tea boy, Chhotu, the office was thrown into chaos. Employees found the tiger and saved Chhotu, highlighting the overlooked importance of every role in the workplace.

The Great Goel Sahib & the Canine Catastrophe

Goel Sahib, a retired bank manager, found himself in a predicament with a fractured leg and a barrage of unsolicited medical advice. His visitors offered remedies including goat's hooves soup, sheep's milk massages, and visits to the crematorium. Despite the confusion, Goel decided to follow his doctor's advice and avoid black dogs while riding a scooter for a quicker return to his beloved treats.

The Lizard Who Thought He Held Up the Castle

In the heart of Grimstone castle, Leonard the self-important lizard believed he was the sole reason for the castle's stability. Tourists and Nigel, a guide, exaggerated his role, but the truth was the diligent maintenance crew that kept the castle together. Leonard's unwavering belief in his importance served as a reminder that harmless delusion can add a touch of magic to everyday life.

The (Un)Retirement of Mr. Sundaram: A Tale of HR Policies Gone Awry

Mr. Sundaram, a renowned HR General Manager, struggled with retirement, imposing strict policies on household staff. Joining an airline’s HR department, he proposed drastic workforce rationalization, including pilots multitasking. Despite confusion and disbelief, he enforced novel strategies, leaving staff bewildered. His rigorous HR approach stirred uncertainty about the airline's future.