Embracing Change: India’s New National Education Policy and Thinking Outside the Box

The Indian Union Cabinet approved the National Education Policy (NEP) on August 5, 2020, aiming to revolutionize education with a focus on critical thinking and creativity. The NEP encourages unconventional problem-solving methods, exemplified by a student's response to a physics exam question. This policy aims to foster innovation, multidisciplinary learning, and flexibility, preparing students for the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

Saraswati Puja: A Celebration of Art & Wisdom

Saraswati (also Sarasvati) is the Hindu goddess of learning, wisdom, music, and aesthetics. She is also known as Bharati (eloquence), Shatarupa (existence), Vedamata (‘mother of the Vedas’), Brahmi, Sarada, Vagisvari, and Putkari. Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and arts, represents the free flow of wisdom and consciousness. Saraswati represents vak or the divine word, but the same inspiration she reflects extends to all Hindu goddesses as arising from chit-shakti, the power of consciousness.