Blood Donation on World Blood Donation Day

Today is World Blood Donor Day, a global event that celebrates the voluntary and unpaid blood donors who save lives every day. Every year on June 14th, we celebrate World Blood Donation Day. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of donating blood and recognizing the life-saving contributions of blood donors worldwide. I decided to join this noble cause and donate blood with my wife Tania. In this blog post, I will share my experience.

Blood donation is a selfless act that can make a significant impact on someone’s life. It is a simple and easy process that takes only a few minutes, but the impact of your donation can last a lifetime. One donation can save up to three lives, and every year millions of lives are saved thanks to blood donors.

I have donated blood many times before. T was very much interested to donate blood. She has not donated blood ever in her life. She was telling me for some days that she would like to donate blood. I was looking for a day or an occasion for blood donation. As I learned that World Blood Donor Day was coming up, I told T that let us go for blood donation on 14 June. It’s a good occasion for her to have the first experience of donating blood. She was very excited to hear that.

We arrived at the Red Cross Blood Bank in the afternoon for blood donation. We filled out some forms and answered some questions about our health history and lifestyle. Then we had a mini-physical exam where they checked our blood pressure, pulse, temperature, etc. Everything was normal, so we were cleared to donate.

The actual donation process was quick and painless. A healthcare person inserted a needle into our arms and collected about 450 ml of blood in a sterile bag from each of us. It took about 10 minutes, and we didn’t feel any discomfort or dizziness.

After the donation, we were given a packet of biscuits and Mazaa and asked to rest for a while. We also got a Certificate of Appreciation from the Ministry of Health, Medical Education, and Family Welfare, Government of Jharkhand

We felt proud and happy after donating blood. By donating blood, we’re able to help someone in need and contribute to the health of our community. Donating blood not only helps those in need but also has health benefits for the donor. It can reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, and improve overall cardiovascular health. It can also help stimulate the production of new blood cells in the body.

Every single donation is a precious lifesaving gift and repeat donation is the key to building a safe and sustainable blood supply.

World Blood Donation Day serves as a reminder of the critical role that blood donors play in saving lives. It is an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of donating blood and encourage more people to become donors. If you are eligible to donate blood, please consider donating and help make a difference in someone’s life today.

I encourage everyone who is eligible and willing to donate blood on World Blood Donor Day or any other day of the year. It is a simple way to make a big difference in someone’s life. You never know when you or someone you love might need a transfusion. As the slogan for 2023 World Blood Donor Day campaign is: Give blood, give plasma, share life, share often.

13 thoughts on “Blood Donation on World Blood Donation Day

  1. Well done, Judhajit & Tania! That’s wonderful to hear! Donating blood is a selfless act that can save lives and make a significant difference in the community. By donating blood, you have played a crucial role in helping individuals who may require transfusions due to accidents, surgeries, or medical conditions. Your act of kindness can potentially give someone a second chance at life. Thank you for taking the initiative to donate blood on World Blood Donor Day. Your generous contribution has the power to impact and improve the lives of others. Your dedication and compassion are greatly appreciated!


  2. Manojit Dasgupta

    Wonderful gesture by Judha and Tania. Blood donation is a very useful and noble job. Blood’s job is to circulate…within the body and outside too, when donated. Read it somewhere…blood is meant for circulation, let it circulate.


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