A Culinary Journey with Mughlai Parathas at Anadi Cabin, Kolkata

During our morning chat with friends, the topic of Mughlai Paratha arose, triggering fond memories of the renowned delicacy served at Anadi Cabin in Kolkata. When one mentions Mughlai Paratha, Anadi Cabin inevitably springs to mind. Positioned just a stone’s throw away from the intersection of Esplanade and SN Banerjee Road, the yellow signboard outside proudly proclaims, ‘Anadi-r prossidho Moghlai Porota’ (Anadi’s famous Mughlai Paratha) — and rightfully so.

I first learned about Anadi Cabin from my mother, and I visited it during my trips to Kolkata. On my last visit, I took my son, Judhajit, along with me.

Stepping into Anadi Cabin feels like entering a time capsule, transporting visitors to an era where simplicity and authenticity reign supreme. The ambience is unassuming yet inviting, with the aroma of spices lingering in the air, welcoming patrons to embark on a culinary journey unlike any other.

For close to nine decades, Anadi has been captivating palates with its irresistible and crunchy Mughlai Parathas. These flatbreads, brimming with eggs, chillies, and onions, have become a favoured snack for patrons of all ages. Encased in a thin layer of dough and expertly folded into a square shape, each paratha is then shallow-fried to perfection, resulting in a crispy exterior that gives way to a succulent, flavorful filling.

The tales surrounding the establishment’s origins may vary, but what remains consistent is the legacy of its founder-owner, Balaram Jana. Hailing from Dhuipara village in Midnapore, Jana ventured to Kolkata in pursuit of a livelihood. While some narratives suggest Jana initially served an Englishman before acquiring the shop, others propose a collaboration with an Englishman after a stint in Howrah. The shop was christened ‘Anadi’ in loving memory of Jana’s departed son.

Despite the shop’s prosperity, Jana remained deeply rooted in his humble beginnings. Despite limited education, he championed the cause of education in his village. This philanthropic spirit led him to establish a school near the Bengal-Odisha border, contributing not only to its construction but also to the provision of educational materials for students. A portion of the shop’s earnings was earmarked for the school every month—a tradition faithfully upheld by subsequent generations. It is this altruistic legacy that perhaps imbues Anadi’s Mughlai Parathas with an extra touch of magic.

In a world where culinary trends come and go, places like Anadi Cabin stand as beacons of timeless tradition, reminding us of the profound connection between food and culture. The Mughlai Parathas served here are more than just a dish; they are a living testament to Anadi Cabin’s enduring commitment to quality and tradition.

So, the next time you find yourself in the City of Joy, take a detour from the beaten path and step into Anadi Cabin. Allow yourself to be enveloped by the warmth of its ambience and the richness of its flavours as you embark on a culinary journey like no other. And when you bite into that first Mughlai Paratha, you’ll understand why some traditions are truly worth savouring.

6 thoughts on “A Culinary Journey with Mughlai Parathas at Anadi Cabin, Kolkata

    1. Thanks,, Aro. Mughlai Paratha, boasting a hearty filling of eggs (be it chicken or duck), chilies, and onions encased in a flatbread, differs notably from the Kabiraji Cutlet. The latter is a crispy fried cutlet, distinguished by its egg-coated exterior. Mughlai Parathas come in various iterations, including double egg, chicken, or mutton, catering to a range of tastes.

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