Embracing Tradition: Shubho Noboborsho – The Celebration of Bengali New Year

Shubho Noboborsho, the Bengali New Year, symbolizes renewal, unity, and rich cultural heritage. Celebrated on the 14th or 15th of April, it embodies new beginnings and traditions deeply rooted in Bengali culture. Amidst vibrant festivities, preparations include cleaning homes, making traditional sweets, and decorating with Alpana. Despite modernization, the festival's essence of reflection, family bonds, and personal connections remains cherished. Shubho Noboborsho celebrates optimism and the promise of new beginnings.

Sindur Khela: The Celebratory Tradition of Bengali Women

Sindur Khela is a unique and beautiful tradition that showcases the culture and spirit of the Bengali people. It is a ritual that honors Goddess Durga as the mother and the daughter of the Bengali people, and also as the source of power and inspiration for them. It is also a ritual that celebrates womanhood and sisterhood among the Bengali women, who share a bond of love and friendship with each other. Sindur Khela is a tradition that reflects the joy and happiness of Durga Puja, which is the biggest festival of the Bengali community. Sindur Khela is a tradition that has evolved over time to become more inclusive and progressive, and to embrace all women as sisters. Sindur Khela is a tradition that we should cherish and preserve for generations to come.

The Splendour of Durga Puja: A Celebration of Culture, Tradition, and Togetherness

Durga Puja is a revered occasion for Bengalis worldwide, not merely limited to religious observance but encompassing cultural and emotional celebration. Commemorating the victory of good over evil, it is characterized by worship of Goddess Durga and her children, embodying diverse values. The festival extends across several days in September or October, featuring elaborate rituals, themed decorations, and cultural performances right up to the tearful farewell on Dashami. It serves as a platform for social interaction, creative expression and indulgence in various delicacies, uniting people irrespective of their backgrounds and strengthening community bonds.

Celebrating International Nurses Day: Honouring the Backbone of Healthcare

On International Nurses Day, we honor nurses for their selflessness and resilience, especially during the COVID-19 crisis. Florence Nightingale's pioneering work inspired this day, highlighting nurses' pivotal role in shaping healthcare. Despite challenges like long hours and inadequate resources, their unwavering commitment is a beacon of hope. Let's express gratitude and support for nurses worldwide.

Celebrating One Year of Marriage: Reflecting on Love, Memories, and Gratitude

The author celebrated his first wedding anniversary on May 3. The past year of marriage was filled with learnings, challenges, and strengthening of their love. They remembered their first vacation, family visits, and other joyful occasions. The anniversary was celebrated with both families, involving a lunch at home and a party at Capitol Residency Hotel in Ranchi, with reminiscence of their wedding rituals. The author expressed deep love for his wife and looked forward to many more years of shared experiences.

Remembering World Humanitarian Day: Honoring Sacrifice, Promoting Hope

On August 19, 2003, a bomb attack at the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq, killed 22 aid workers, including the UN's Special Representative for Iraq, leading to the establishment of World Humanitarian Day. This day honors the sacrifices made by humanitarian workers and raises awareness about critical issues faced by them, such as the impact of the climate crisis. It serves as a call to action to protect vulnerable populations and support those who respond to crises.

World Hypertension Day: Understanding the Silent Killer

World Hypertension Day (WHD) on May 17th aims to raise awareness about hypertension, which affects over 1 billion globally. The theme for WHD 2022, "Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer," emphasizes accurate measurement and control. WHD promotes public awareness, early diagnosis, and preventive measures to combat this silent killer.

A New Chapter Begins: Congratulations to Judhajit and Tania on their Marriage!

On May 3, 2022, in Dumka, Jharkhand, Judhajit and Tania had a heartfelt wedding ceremony, witnessed by family and friends. His journey from childhood to adulthood has been one of resilience and strength, and now as a husband, he is poised for this new adventure with the same fervor and commitment. Best wishes to the couple!

Celebrating Holi in Baghdad: A Festival of Love, Joy, & Unity

Holi is a cherished festival in India, embodying joy, togetherness, and forgiveness. Its legends, like Lord Krishna's playful love for Radha, and the victory of good over evil, add depth to the celebration. Holi is marked by colourful gatherings and delicious food, symbolizing unity and love. The festival's essence is a reminder of positivity and happiness.

The Tricolour is unfurled on Republic Day and not hoisted

Today, India is celebrating its 73rd Republic Day and the unfurling of the tricolour flag, parades, and cultural functions are held across the country. The hoisting of a flag signifies the country was freed after a span of colonial domination. The unfurling of the tricolour signifies that as a flag of a free country, it cannot stay hung at a lower height, but is held high above. On the 26th of January the tricolour is unfurled, that is, the flag stays high up at the tip of the flag pole (not at the middle or lower height of the pole) folded, and is spread out with the pull of the rope.