A Terrifying Encounter on the Roads of Jharkhand

In January 2001, during a business trip to the Deoghar district in Jharkhand, amidst the region's Maoist insurgency, the author and his colleague narrowly escaped a highway dacoity. Despite the terrifying encounter, the arrival of the police saved them, underscoring the security challenges faced in Jharkhand at the time. Ultimately, the incident serves as a reflection on the subsequent improvements in travel safety in the region.

My Memorable Journey to Chandigarh: May 1986

In May 1986, during a period of unrest in Punjab, me and two friends ventured to Chandigarh for a weekend visit. Arriving at midnight, we faced a deserted city and sought refuge at a training center. After a humorous search, we gained entry and reunited with friends, experiencing a memorable and eventful weekend in the beautifully planned city. Despite the challenges, the trip remains a cherished memory for us.

Chandrayaan-2 Mission: A Journey of Courage and Exploration

In September, millions eagerly watched as India's Chandrayaan-2 aimed for a historic moon landing. Despite setbacks, the mission showcased India's space prowess. The orbiter now relays valuable lunar data, despite the lander's loss. The endeavor underscores the challenges of space exploration and the nation's determination. This spirit resonated globally, inspiring renewed enthusiasm for cosmic exploration and international collaboration.

Remembering My Father: A Tribute 35 Years Later

The author recounts the tragic day 35 years ago when his father suffered a sudden coronary attack and died en route to the hospital. Despite the loss, his father’s words, actions, and wisdom continue to inspire him. The author expresses gratitude for the support of neighbours who helped with funeral arrangements, easing the burden of grief for the mourning family.

Swapna Barman: A Tale of Grit, Courage, and Historic Triumph

At just 21 years old, Swapna Barman made history by winning India's first heptathlon gold at the Asian Games in Jakarta. Despite facing financial hardships and physical challenges, including six toes on each foot, she never wavered in her commitment to her sport and family. Swapna's triumph serves as a symbol of hope and inspiration for aspiring athletes, showcasing the power of perseverance and resilience in pursuit of dreams.

Remembering Robin Sir: A Tribute to a Teacher Who Transformed Lives

Shri Rabindranath Mitra, known as Robin Sir, was a revered English teacher at Raisina Bengali High School in New Delhi. His revolutionary approach to teaching immersed students in literature, and his dedication extended beyond academics to instill values of humility and simplicity. His influence on generations and commitment to education continue to shape our worldview, paying homage to his unwavering dedication on his centenary.

ISRO Launched 104 Satellites in One Mission!

India has created history today by successfully launching 104 satellites on a single mission, overtaking the previous record for most spacecraft launched at a single attempt, which currently stands at the thirty-eight orbited by Russia’s Dnepr in June 2014, of which thirty-two were deployed from the rocket itself while a thirty-third failed to separate. Salute to ISRO scientists!

A Memorable Trip to Allahabad: Kali Puja, Diwali, and the Chaos of Demonetisation

Mom and I traveled to Allahabad to celebrate Kali Puja and Diwali at my maternal uncle's house. However, our plans to return after Bhaiphonta were disrupted when both Dadu and Mama were hospitalized. Additionally, the sudden demonetization caused chaos, leaving us stranded with limited cash. The trip turned out to be eventful and chaotic.

A Memorable Afternoon: Lunch with M.J. Akbar in Baghdad

Today, I had the privilege of attending a lunch reception hosted by the Indian ambassador in Baghdad in honor of Minister of State for External Affairs, M.J. Akbar. His legendary journalism career and global influence were evident as he effortlessly connected with diverse guests. The event highlighted India’s diplomatic efforts in the region and the power of fostering international relations through personal connections.

An Unforgettable Encounter: Meeting MS Dhoni

The author met renowned cricketer, Mahender Singh Dhoni, on a flight from Delhi to Ranchi. They shared a bus ride to the boarding gate and had a pleasant conversation. Dhoni not only autographed the author's boarding pass but also took a selfie with him. The author, a longtime fan of Dhoni, experienced great joy and expressed his admiration for Dhoni's character and cricket achievements.