Farewell to Erbil: A Bittersweet Goodbye

It was Thursday, May 23, 2024, a day that marked the end of another era for me. After a few months of working at the bank, I made the difficult decision to resign and move on. As the sun set over the beautiful city of Erbil, I couldn’t help but feel a mixture of excitement for the future and sadness for what I was leaving behind.

My second to last evening in Erbil, on May 22, 2024, was unforgettable, thanks to my dear colleagues and friends, Arbab and Joel. They insisted on having one final dinner together at Hiror Restaurant, one of the most renowned and luxurious dining spots in the city. How could I refuse? It was a chance to savour not just the exquisite food but also the company of friends who had become like family.

Hiror Restaurant was as magnificent as ever. Its elegant ambience, with soft lighting and plush seating, set the stage for an unforgettable evening. As we sat down, I felt a wave of nostalgia wash over me. We had shared many meals and memories over this short period of 4 months, but tonight was special. This was our last supper together in this city that had been our home.

Joel’s wife, Sheral, joined us too, making the evening even more special. She had always been a warm and welcoming presence, and her company was the perfect addition to our farewell dinner. The conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and reminiscing about the good times we had shared.

The food at Hiror was, as expected, extraordinary. We indulged in a variety of dishes, each more delicious than the last. From savoury appetizers to mouthwatering main courses followed by Iraqi tea, every bite was a testament to the restaurant’s reputation. We toasted to our friendship, to the memories we had made, and to the uncertain but hopeful future.

Despite the wonderful dinner and the joy of being with friends, there was an undercurrent of sadness throughout the evening. The reality that we didn’t know when we would meet again in person hung over us. Arbab, with his sharp wit and infectious laughter, and Joel, with his steady wisdom and kind heart, had been my pillars of support. The thought of not seeing them regularly was hard to digest.

Arbab is an exceptional cook, particularly renowned for his meat dishes, with Nalli Nihari being his speciality. He often spoiled me with his delicious culinary creations. Joel frequently joined us for these dinners, where we would chat and sing late into the night. I will deeply miss that camaraderie.

As the evening drew to a close, we lingered a little longer, reluctant to say goodbye. It was a poignant moment, a mix of gratitude for the time we had shared and sorrow for the imminent separation.

Leaving Hiror Restaurant that night, I felt a profound sense of gratitude for Arbab and Joel. They had made my tenure in Erbil not just bearable, but truly enjoyable. As I embark on this new chapter of my life, their friendship will remain a cherished part of my journey. I hope our paths cross again someday.

Farewell, Erbil. Until we meet again.

6 thoughts on “Farewell to Erbil: A Bittersweet Goodbye


    Dear Roy,

    I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest appreciation for your incredible friendship and support during my time in Erbil as my last day in erbil ends on 30th June ,2024. Your presence turned what could have been just another work stint into an unforgettable chapter of my life.Your sharp wit(Bamboozledemail for auditors), the koreka songs sang at Arbab place after dinner and unwavering support as and when required at work place have been a constant source of joy and comfort. Our shared experiences and memories…. especially marking absenteeism when we fail to meet at 1 pm at work place to have Guftugoo, Our dinner at Arbab place are moments I will cherish forever as.most of time we kept pulling leg of Arbab(Kenuu). Your companionship has truly made my time here not just bearable, but genuinely enjoyable,looking at you never thought you would be such a fun person.When you left erbil we 3 (Me,Sheral and Arbab) were feeling as if we have become orphan and fatherly figure like you is gone who’s comments on work life we were so impressed.

    Thank you for being a pillar of strength and a dear friend. I carry with me the warmth of our friendship and the hope that our paths will cross again soon.

    With heartfelt gratitude,

    Joel ,Sheral and Arbab

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    1. Thanks, Joel. Your heartfelt message beautifully encapsulates the precious moments we’ve experienced together in Erbil. Whether it’s our delightful banter, impromptu singing sessions, or the camaraderie and support we’ve shown each other at work, each memory holds a special place in my heart. I know that your absence, alongside Sheral and Arbab, will be keenly felt. Here’s to hoping for the chance to collaborate again in the near future.


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